You can better understand this article if you have read How to set up Google Tag Manager
In this article, we will focus on how to track website visitor behaviors through Google Tag Manager or GTM in several forms which you can bring to improve your website by looking into in-depth information of the visitors.
Let’s review Google Tag Manager before getting into this article.
Do you remember…
What is Google Tag Manager?
How does it work?
Where can we get the result from tracking?
The purpose of using this device is to get the information of website visitors which we can adjust by the device. After we get the data, we can use it for marketing strategy and also develop a business model.
Google Tag Manager is tracking software used for website or application visitors which is easily used and effective. Moreover, you can use it for free and don’t need to code or have programming knowledge before.
The structure of Google Tag Manager will be separated into 3 sections which are Tag, Trigger, Variable. These 3 sections work together for creating the instruction and tagging the instruction on our webpage.
Sometimes, when you start using GTM, you might be doubt where you can find the result. We would like to inform you first that this software just creates an instruction. To get the result, you must select to connect with Google Analytics for tagging and showing the result on the platform.
Let’s start with the First Trigger “Page view”
What is pageview? How is it important?
Have you ever wanted to know the number of website visitors of a website? GTM has one trigger acting as a collector software, recording and counting the number of page views on the website. This trigger is used with Tag and Variable by adjusting the condition such as all page views or some page views. At this point, you can assign that when this trigger occurs then the other trigger in page views will occur. For example, creating Trigger Page Views and then selecting Some Page View, after that, select Variable as Click Class (you can create Variable as you prefer). Then, choose to contain and insert wanted values. After the system check that the user access occurs as the condition. Trigger and Tag will work and the information will be sent to Google Analytics.
The question is when Google Analytics can count and report Page View results. Do we still need to use GTM?
The answer is yes because if you want to get in-depth information, using only GA is not enough. Thus, we have to use GTM for detailed and clear analysis.
Want to Know about Where Website Visitors Click, Try Using This Trigger “Click”
Click is an algorithm designed for counting the number of website visitors and where they click the most on your website. The function of the Click trigger is adjustable because the types of clicks are categorized into 2 patterns: Every clicking on every element on the website and clicking links on the website.
Same as Page View Trigger, you have to set up a condition first. If you don’t want, you can select “Click all” and the tag will work every time you click on the website. To illustrate, if you want to know that any visitors are clicking on the picture on the website, you have to set the condition as “Some Clicks”
After that, select Variable for opening tag function and choosing a class for the picture then contains and insert the value of the class and save it.
Want to Know Visitors Play the Video on the Website or not. Let’s User Engagement Trigger Help You.
This User Engagement Trigger is separated into 4 types: Element Visibility, Form Submission, Scroll Depth, and YouTube Video. The following topics will talk about the trigger that website visitors come to engage with your website. For this type of trigger, we can set that when we are going to start collecting the data, and same as other triggers, you can add conditions too.
Final Thought
After you know about the types of triggers, we believe that you can use these algorithms for your website and for planning your marketing strategy in the future. Read more interesting about web design further here at Yes Web Design Studio
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