5 Social Media Trends of 2019

In 2019, what are social media people interested in? We may use this information to be useful for making advertising media through online media such as Facebook ads, website making, or what we call “online marketing”. Today, we will try to look at this information together.

     1. Tools that listen to the feedback of consumers

This tool is for listening to the feedbacks of online consumers by keeping an eye on various movements. It will be a platform to find brand mentioning or related keywords. Expectedly in 2019, this tool should be used by more people to receive consumer reviews and make useful analyzes.

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2. Video making

Every year, there is more and more video production and in 2019, it is expected that video production will have an influence on online marketing as always. According to the survey, over 80% of the content used by Internet users is video content. Moreover, live videos are also very popular on YouTube and prevalent on Facebook and Instagram. This is an interesting and unmissable trend to market online through this channel.

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3. Micro influencer (General thought leader)

Nowadays, social media influencers such as bloggers, YouTubers, and net idols have started to play more significant roles in social media. These people have hundreds or thousands of followers or maybe even millions. Each post has a large number of views but the price of advertising is also high. This has led many businesses to start looking for micro-influencers with less than 10,000 followers, whose followers are usually friends or acquaintances, leading consumers to believe reviews are based on real-world experiences. This way of public relations is also interesting and recommended.

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4. Personal marketing (Personalization)

This marketing strategy is to meet the needs of specific consumers through various communication channels by offering products or services which satisfy the needs of each customer as much as possible. By doing this kind of marketing, customers will feel that we care about them. We can simply start by interacting with our customers to know their individual needs and analyze to adjust the product to meet the needs.

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5. Real-time

Being able to help or respond to customer messages 24/7 is something everybody looks forward to this year such as real-time online sales or chatbots. This is because social media never sleeps. Customers can use the product, talk or buy products at any time they want. Customers want an immediate response without the need to wait. This marketing model can be easily adapted by using help from various tools.

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