Italthai Industrial 1
Italthai Industrial 3



Italthai is Thailand’s top class heavy equipment distributor with more than 60 years of legacy. Italthai has many centres in every region of Thailand.


Yes! designed and developed the website for Italthai to reduce the bounce rate where people visit their website and leave. Another objective is to present company information as well as their products in an interesting way.



The design system of Italthai’s website aims to build a credible company image and present the information in the best way possible. The design utilise Italthai’s colours which are green and blue. They represent the brand as well as building the company’s trustability.
The typography helps the website seem light and approachable.

The design system of Italthai’s website aims to build a credible company image and present the information in the best way possible. The design utilised Italthai’s colours which are green and blue. They represent the brand as well as building the company’s trustability. The typography helps the website seem light and approachable.

Colour Palette

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grid system

12 Column Grid

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Italthai Industrial 11


Italthai’s website aims to make visitors stay on the site longer and present their information more effectively while maintaining company identity. We answer to these needs by:

  • Using Italthai’s corporate colours to create trustability
  • Arranging the content on the website comprehensively and interestingly
  • Applying clean and modern  professional design to make the messages more emphasized
  • Presenting the products using carousel style as well as better categorisation of the product by brands
  • Developing centre map, helping the customers find the nearest Italthai centre
  • Using responsive website design for best website performance on any device

inside pages

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Italthai Industrial 17
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