Inventory Prime helps source and deliver products to retailers in many countries as well as other services including product sourcing, brand developing, and FDA and logistic service.
Yes! designed and developed a company profile website for Inventory Prime as a company’s profile for potential customers to browse and download the catalogue as well as getting a quote. We also help create a trustable and professional image for the company.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Website

The design system of Inventory Prime’s website aims to represent their brand as a well established corporate. We use their corporate colour to represent their company and build brand recognition in the website design with complementary colours of black, grey, and white. The typography helps maintain the friendliness and approachable image for the brand.


grid system

12 Column Grid

Inventory Prime’s website aims to present their company’s professionalism and happiness and family-friendly brand image and also having dedicated functions to accommodate signed-up members. We serve all these expectations by:
- Using their corporate colours to make a lively and professional impression
- Build company’s credentials by showing the logo of their customers around the world
- Developing search queries that allow the member to search for products after logging in
- Developing a dedicated function for the member to download the catalog after logging in
- Using responsive website design for the best website experience on any device.

inside pages